Anyways, what I want to talk about today is this site I found a while back, where a teenage boy in a teenage-boy-emo-phase discovers knitting. Come see the hat's based on emo haircuts.
It just brought back so many memories for me: You see, I used to be all about boys like this. Like seriously--this was my type of boy to a T--Super Emo(as in really moody and whiny)--likes weird fashion--delights in pushing gender boudaries--plays music--I was obsessed with these boys my Freshman year of College, as well as my entire High School years and OK maybe it lasted up until my Junior year when I gave up on a certain kid who was like 30 years old and lived with his mom and was an inch shorter than me and had that swoopy emo hair and was a piano/film/english/history major.
Good times stalking that piano/film/english/history major, man I was in love with him...
Anyways, so although that time of my life has come and gone (now that I've outgrown my emo phase and have graduated to my rent-a-blogger's-boyfried) Lets have a picture to commemorate my boys:
In no particular order or any degree of likeness...because that would be awkward.

I ran out of space, so you get only this many. For some crazy reason I put them as frolicking. Half because I wouldn't put it past half of them to frolic in real life and I know one in particular thought it was healthy and valid to frolic at least once a day around the grassy knolls on campus. And then spend the rest of his day moping around and trying out eye-shadow.
And yes, that one guy had a guitar hero instead of a guitar. Looking back, it wasn't really a talent. At the time I was confused.
Oh yeah, and basically with anyone else on here. Absolutely confused--concussed--delerious--virtego-eous--blind. What I would have given for a guy who's only claim to standing out was knitting. That's so much more bearable and innocent than certain guys who one day you'll have to confront like this:
"I'm pretty sure you're getting high every morning before class but can you put away that giant jar of Advil, it's not going to help."
"This is my breakfast. I'm just sleepy is all."
"Just put it away. It makes a lot of noise."
*starts devouring giant jar of advil defensively.
*You begin to doubt it is really advil.
Also, it wasn't until I put this montage together that I realized most of my unrequited loves have all been wearing that same super skinny sweater...just in different girly colors. I mean, all except for Poncho who was actually the best guy of these six. I guess I like skinny sweaters. Even if it was rainbow-colored and stolen from the girl down the hall (that guy was such a klepto.)
But thankfully no one follows this blog and so the many boys I have known who wear any version of these skinny sweaters won't care or assume I have ever stalked them.
Not like I ever did of course. Except for a little smidge during my sophmore year. A smidge. I got over it.